Wild Walley

Rep. Troy Balderson

Walley talks with Congressman Troy Balderson about his recent visit to Licking Heights, inflation, Mothers Day and the passing of

On the Air: Eric Burgett

Walley talks with up-and-coming Nashville star Eric Burgett about his music, and his indoor tailgate party, at 31 West in

Pet of the Week – Ozzy

Elycia Taylor of the Licking County Humane Society talks with Walley about Ozzy, our “Pet of the Week.” Listen each

Heath Lions & Easter Eggs

Walley talks to Vickie Boychan of the Heath Lions Club about their annual Easter Egg Hunt set for Geller Park

Fashion with Compassion

Walley talks with Melissa Anderson, Executive Director of the Licking County Coalition of Care, about their upcoming “Fashion with Compassion”

Auction for Education

Walley talks with Amanda Sillin, Director of Excellence in Learning Community Co-op, about their upcoming charity auction. Items on auction

Pet of the Week – Nelly

Elycia Taylor of the Licking County Humane Society talks with Walley about Snapdragon, our “Pet of the Week.” Listen each

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